Tipperary Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC)

Can all parents in our school community complete the following survey:


The parent surveys must be submitted by Friday 23rd April 2021.

Tipperary Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) is developing a new Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP).

As part of the development of the plan, on-line surveys are being conducted with a range of stakeholders, including parents of children and young people in the 0 – 24 years age cohort

Can I please urge all parents in our school community to complete the survey, so that they have an opportunity to inform the Tipperary Children and Young People’s Plan.

Many thanks in advance.

Dyspraxia/Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, Hand writing difficulties, Cycling issues and Co-ordination issues workshop

Do you have any dealings with children with Dyspraxia/Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, Hand writing difficulties, Cycling issues and Co-ordination issues?

If so then why not attend a fun, practical and informative 1 day work-shop led by Sharon Drew, international trainer and well known author of many practical resources for schools and therapists in the UK.
Prior registration with Tipperary Sports Partnership (TSP) is necessary.  A discounted fee of €20 is required and is payable on the day. Please contact the TSP office on 067-44888 if you would like to attend.
Please book early as places are limited on this workshop.
For more information click on the following link:


Tipperary Warriors

Tipperary Warriors is a new multi sports club set up in Thurles for children with a physical disability and meets every Saturday morning from  11.00-12.30pm in Presentation Sports Complex, Thurles. The club is all inclusive and encourages all the family including siblings to come along to Saturday morning sessions. This club is parent and volunteer led.

To register your interest or for further information please contact:
Norma – 087 6732207 / Orla – 087 655 0315
