
Comeragh College is a co-educational post primary school. Academic excellence is promoted in a caring environment. It has been at the centre of life in Carrick on Suir for almost 90 years.  The school aims to provide a high quality education which caters for the diverse skills and aptitudes of our school community. We are committed to the care and development of each individual in a happy and safe school atmosphere which offers children and young adults opportunities to develop as good citizens, proud of their inherited values and beliefs.  Our school operates on the premise of due respect for the beliefs of all. Our School is a community where students, staff and parents work together to support each other.

April 4th, 2016 was a very significant day in the history of education for Comeragh College. It marked the beginning of a new era for the staff and students of Comeragh College as they moved into their €13 million campus. January 5th, 2015, construction began on the vast 16 acre site. All works were complete on March 14th, 2016.

The school itself boasts everything a 21st century school should possess. Academic, sporting, social, leadership, spiritual and other students’ needs are catered with a combination of facilities and a willing staff. The 600 sq metre sports hall is in constant use, as are the five external ball courts for both timetabled PE classes and extra-curricular activities.

The teaching/learning process is the single most important priority at Comeragh College. This is enhanced by a number of factors in place in the school such as; teacher based classrooms, a full suite of ICT facilities in each room (including surface pro 4’s, data projectors, visualizers, etc.), careful timetabling and an excellent teacher/student dynamic. In addition to the standard ICT equipment for each room, there are four fully functional computer labs, including a mobile lab called a Labcabby( a mobile device which houses/transports/stores/charges 30 laptops). Three science labs, 5 practical rooms, language labs are among some of the specialist rooms in operation since the school opened.

On the grounds of the school are many additional features such as walk ways, external gym points, poly tunnels, vast seating areas and a full size GAA field.

Whilst the list of facilities in the school is almost endless, it is worth noting that overarching view of the students is one of contentment where each one can learn at their own pace and in their own way. It’s the way a school should operate!

Staff at the school are fiercely committed to providing the best opportunities to all students. Comeragh College is also fortunate to have a very strong Parents Association which works closely with the school providing both a voice for parents and a support to the school. The Student Council is another key element in the decision making process at the school with representation from each year group.