Dear Parent/Guardian,
It is that time of year again when Junior Certificate students receive their results.
Junior Cert results will be issued to students on Friday 4th October 2019 at 9a.m.
On this day there will be no classes for TY or Fifth Years.
We ask that students arrive to the school before 8.40a.m. as normal and wait in the canteen area.
They are not obliged to wear their uniform when collecting results.
Issuing of results will be completed by 9.30a.m. and the students will be ready to be collected by this time.
Parents are responsible for the collection of their son/daughter from the school at 9.30a.m. and for his/her safety thereafter.
We wish all our students every success with their results and we hope they are rewarded for all their effort over the last three years.
Please note that we expect all students to be in school on Monday 7th October 2019 at 8.40a.m.
Thanking you for your cooperation,
Yours sincerely,
Kevin Langton, Principal
Start date changed to Thursday 17th Oct
As part of the Home School Liaison Initiative we are hosting a “Couch to 5k”. This is open to all parents and guardians of students in the school. We would love to see you there.